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Riverboat Days 2002

Well, it's all over for another year. And what a celebration it was. Our congratulations to the Riverboat Days Society for putting together another seemingly flawless series of events.

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Show Results

We managed to catch up to 19 of the 29 Riverboat Days 2002 Events. We hope you enjoy our coverage.

Community Events

Sporting Events

Events we missed

  • 1st Annual Whitewater Paddle Party. This was Terrace's first ever Whitewater Paddle Party, which featured a long weekend of paddling fun for all skill levels, plus family camping, demonstrations, variety events, prizes, music, and plain and simple fun. Sponored by Terrace Tourism Society.
  • Antique Car Show with vehicles from a very different era. Sponsored by Skeena Mall.
  • Beef Barbeque at the Legion. Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #13.
  • Fireworks. Sponsored by Terrace area residents, businesses and community organizations.
  • Pioneer Picnic. Sponsored by Heritage Park Museum. You can get a feel for this event by visiting our coverage of the Canada Day Picnic at Heritage Park.
  • Pond Tour featured exciting ponds and water gardens. Sponsored by Ksan House Society.
  • Riverboat Days Racing and Bomber Invitational. Sponsored by the Terrace Stock Car Association. You'll find the results for this event at
  • Rock climbing Competition. The winners are featured below. Sponsored by Azad Adventures.
    Men's Open
    1. Sam Skalsvik, Prince Rupert
    2. Shane Spencer, Terrace
    3. Travis Murphy, Terrace
    4. Dean Campbell, Terrace
    5. Rockielebo Doane, Terrace
    6. Reuben Bond, Terrace
    7. Kieran Campbell, Terrace
    Women's Open
    1. Suki Spencer, Terrace
    2. Sarah Zimmerman, Terrace
    1. Travis Yagelniski, Terrace
  • Treasure Hunt on Ferry Island. A great outdoor family event that will relax you whether you want to relax or not. Have a look at our Riverboat Days 2001 photos. Sponsored by the Skeena Valley Rotary Club.
  • Window Painting Contest. Sponsored by Terrace & District Chamber of Commerce.

8/14/2002 2:23:13 AM (PST)

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