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Riverboat Days 2002: Opening Ceremonies in George Little Park

The Official Opening Ceremonies for Riverboat Days 2002 was a great family outing. Before things got underway, the Terrace Community Band through a little riverboat atmosphere into the air and Shriners clowns entertained the kids. Then the Terrace Pipes and Drums piped the dignitaries onto the stage and Riverboat Days 2002 was about to begin.

Acting mayor Val George was the first at the podium. "Riverboat Days is one of the most important events in our community," he said, "when we celebrate our history."

It was then the duty of city freeman Vesta Douglas to introduce the Riverboat Days 2002 King and Queen. Otto and Fran Lindstrom have a longstanding connection to the Skeena Valley and our community. They're also world travellers. Otto is veteran, a trapper, and environmentalist, who according to Vesta, will "dance at the drop of a hat." How does she know that? And Fran, apparently, will play a game of bridge "at the drop of a hat."

Then it was time for entertainment which included the Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers, the Terrace Scottish Dancers, Dr. Fish with James Powell and Rick Marasco, and the Terrace Nisga'a Dancers.

All-in-all, it was a wonderful evening, and a great beginning for a very busy weekend.

Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - RCMP on horseback Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Terrace Community Band Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Terrace Community Band Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Terrace Community Band
RCMP on horseback and the Terrace Community Band greet arriving guests.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Shriners clowns Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Shriners clowns Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Shriners clowns Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Shriners clowns
TEXT01 Shriners clowns doing magical things with balloons entertained the kids
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Terrace Pipes & Drums Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Terrace Pipes & Drums Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Terrace Pipes & Drums Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Acting mayor Val George
Terrace Pipes and Drums escourted official dignitaries onto the stage Acting mayor Val George
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Otto and Fran Lindstrom Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Vesta Douglas Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Introducing the King and Queen Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - The crowning
Riverboat Days King and Queen: Otto and Fran Lindstrom City freeman Vesta Douglas. Vesta introducing the King and Queen The official crowning begins.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers
The Bishuundt Tsimpshian Dancers provided colourful entertainment with cultural dance, somewhat modern dance, and an interactive dance that got the audience involved.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers
The Terrace Scottish Dancers offered a change of pace with a in plaid.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Scottish Dancers Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Dr. Fishy Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - The committe
  Dr. Fishy, with James Powell and Rick Marasco, provided some wonderful riverboat style music. Attending Riverboat Days 2002 committee members take a bow.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies -
Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies - Riverboat Days 2002 - Opening Ceremonies -  
Kids were attracted by the Terrace RCMP's community relations vehicle and an opportunity to chat with an officer.

8/10/2002 12:03:13 AM (PST)

Copyright © 2002 by Kermode Net Inc. Click for printer-friendly version
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Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
