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Riverboat Days 2002: 4th Annual Soap Box Derby

You could feel the electricity in the air, but there was no time to dwell on the sensation. There was serious work to be done. Registration had to be completed. The competitors were sent out to clear the track of rocks and debris. Some really big kids tuned up the cars. And competitors couldn't resist checking out every one of the available racing machines.

With all that done, every competitor was helmeted and given a shot at a test run. Then the competition began and the field of drivers, now with a little experience, got more serious at their task of finding the fastest way down the hill.

The cars are put together by local business and there was no charge to steer them down the hill. Speeds ranged around 24 kilometres per hour (14.4 miles per hour). That's pretty quick when you're small and only inches from the ground.

This event was sponsored by ICBC and the Terrace Detachment of the RCMP.

Final results provided by ICBC:

8-Year-Old Division

  • 1st – Brendan Kennedy
  • 2nd – Marshall Hacker
  • 3rd – Devon Printz

9-Year-Old Division

  • 1st – Jordie DaCosta
  • 2nd – Montana Stedlinsky
  • 3rd – Brendan Wyen

10-Year-Old Division

  • 1st – Jacob Shaw
  • 2nd – Josh Netzel
  • 3rd – Taylor Baker

11/12-Year-Old Division

  • 1st – Erich Leahman
  • 2nd – Michelle Martel
  • 3rd – Jeff Quock
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
Everything began with registration. And tuning up the cars.
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
Everyone got a chance to check out the cars before the competition began.
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
Competitors cleaned the track of rocks and debris. Then they were sorted into various age groups.
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
Listen up . . . Last minute instructions are important! Even more important were helmets. They were mandatory.
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
If you're on wheels . . . Wear a helmet! Ladies and gentlemen . . . Start your engines!
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
The cars are put together by local businesses, and the kids use them at no charge.
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby
They reach speeds of about 24 kph (14.4 mph). That's fast when you're so close to the ground.
Riverboat Days 2002 - 4th Annual Soap Box Derby      
Ha! You lost, I won!      

8/7/2002 7:11:08 PM (PST)

Copyright © 2002 by Kermode Net Inc. Click for printer-friendly version
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Clarence Michiel Report-April
Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002

Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
