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Riverboat Days 2002: Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race

The Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race; yet another great family outing. It was early Monday afternoon, and hopeful spectators began arriving early . . . Searching for a good spot to watch, meeting people, chatting, snacking, trying to keep track of their kids. Kids, waiting for the sound of the chopper; the best part of the event from a young point of view.

The helicopter arrived nearly on time, then there was a brief delay when it landed to hook up to the netfull of yellow, plastic racers. Then it was time. The helicopter ascended, trailing the net. Hovered. Lined up on an imaginary 'X'. Then the net was opened releasing the ducks.

Then the suspense. It was a mob scene at first, with the ducks crowded together. But the pecking order is soon sorted out and a few of the healthiest begin to stretch out a lead. This year, there were two really robust little fellows who gained a very respectable lead and it came down to a two duck fight at the line. Number two nearly passed number one. Perhaps it did, for a moment. Number one maintained a steady pace, however, and crossed the line with a lead of about a foot.

We know now that those ducks belonged to Anne LeClerc and Eileen Kennedy. Sorry, Eileen. It was so close. But, hey, there's nothing wrong with a $1,000 shopping spree.

2002 Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race winners

  • First Prize, Anne LeClerc, Terrace — Puerto Vallarta all inclusive Trip for Two. Includes air fare from Terrace, transfers, taxes and accommodation. Approximate value $4,500. Courtesy of World of Vacations and Elan Travel.
  • Second Prize, Eileen Kennedy, Terrace — $1,000 Shopping Spree at Canadian Tire.
  • Third Prize, Lisa Balcombe, Terrace — $500 Shopping Spree at Safeway.
  • Last Place Duck, Rich McDaniel, Terrace — 20 minute Helicopter Ride. Courtesy of Canadian Helicopters.

Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race
There are many great vantage points to view the wild, racing ducks . . . And the weather cooperated, making it a great family outing. Terrace Water Rescue prepares in advance recover the bobbing yellow racers.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race
Saving the ducks means they get to race next year. 1 p.m. and everyone is ready. The ducks are dropped from a helicopter and the race is on.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race
It's a mob scene in the beginning. But rank and order quickly gets sorted out. And the winner is . . . Then the cleanup begins.
Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race Riverboat Days 2002 - Great Terrace Rotary Wild Duck Race
It takes a flotilla of boats. But very few plastic ducks achieve freedom. Terrace Water Rescue's Joe Mandur saved a few from shore. The departure of the helicopter was the last bit of action.

8/8/2002 11:21:39 PM (PST)

Copyright © 2002 by Kermode Net Inc. Click for printer-friendly version
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Letters to the Editor

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We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
