Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest.
Many of the pages on this site
are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc.
found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.
PAC-RIM's Public Consultation Strategy
PAC-RIM is fully committed to public, stakeholder, First Nations, and regulatory consultation to identify and document issues
and concerns with respect to the project. PAC-RIM recognizes that through the implementation of effective public consultation, the project can be more responsive to community values, priorities and concerns.
- The objective of PAC-RIM's public consultation strategy is the achievement of effective public participation in the environmental
- review of the project, which will:
- support the environmental assessment activities of the British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office, and the requirements of appropriate federal agencies;
- promote community understanding and support, through the provision of timely notification and adequate information with respect to the proposed project;
- promote dialogue between project planners and the interested public to further define issues and concerns, and to work towards a resolution of these identified issues and concerns;
- allow incorporation of useful knowledge and local information in the assessment and development of mitigation; and
- provide an effective forum for the input of the public, stakeholders, First Nations and regulatory authorities throughout the environmental assessment process.
PAC-RIM is committed to meet or exceed the requirements for public consultation under the B.C. Environmental Assessment
Act and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act.
Public Consultation Process
The B.C. Environmental Assessment Act outlines requirements for public consultation at all stages of project review:
- The Project Approval Certificate Application submitted by PAC-RIM pursuant to the B.C. Environmental Assessment Act is subject to public review. PAC-RIM will undertake a round of public consultation, including open houses, public meetings and individual meetings, to facilitate public input to the review of the Application;
- The public will also have the opportunity to review the Draft Specifications with respect to information to be included in the detailed Project Report; and
- The Project Report will also be subject to public review, and PAC-RIM will undertake a further round of public consultation at that time.
In addition, extensive consultation with the public, stakeholders, First Nations and regulatory agencies has already been
undertaken by PAC-RIM in the pre-Application stage.
Project Description ||
Project Benefits ||
Public Consultation ||
Environmental Policy
Environmental Management ||
Environmental Assessment ||
Procurement Strategy ||