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The PAC-RIM LNG Project offers the people and Governments of Canada, British Columbia and Alberta the opportunity to
realize significant regional economic development benefits. The stream of benefits generated by the project include:
- job creation;
- direct, indirect and induced income;
- introduction of LNG investment to Canada;
- expansion of annual export sales;
- increased gas royalty revenues to government; and
- long-term stimulation of the natural gas industry, and associated service and supply sectors.
Economic Benefits
- Approximately 80 percent of the goods and services included in the $870 million (CDN) capital cost of the LNG plant and $365 to $460 million cost of the associated pipeline will be supplied from within Canada.
- Over a twenty year period, natural gas industry revenues from the sale of natural gas for the Project will exceed $8 billion, which will generate provincial royalty income in excess of $1.2 billion.
- The cumulative effect of the project on the Western Canadian economy will be to contribute an additional $12 billion to Gross Domestic Product and $9.8 billion of additional personal income over the life of the project
- The project will provide a third export market that will help stabilize gas prices in Canada, and will establish a new export-based technology in Western Canada, with the potential for significant long-term growth.
- The project will generate annual export revenues of $800 to $900 million, which will have a significant positive effect on the existing bilateral trade deficit between Canada and Pacific Rim countries. Over a 20 year period, export sales will exceed $18 billion.
Employment Benefits
- Direct investment in the project facilities together with the resultant stimulative effect within the Canadian natural gas industry is predicted to generate about 40,000 person-years of direct and indirect employment.
- The Project will generate approximately:
- 2,700 person-years of employment associated with the installation of the proposed
- pipeline and LNG plant; and
- 120 permanent plant and pipeline operations and maintenance jobs.
Project Description ||
Project Benefits ||
Public Consultation ||
Environmental Policy
Environmental Management ||
Environmental Assessment ||
Procurement Strategy ||