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It is PAC-RIM'S environmental policy to design, construct and operate the proposed project in a manner which minimizes potentially adverse environmental effects.
PAC-RIM is fully committed to develop and implement an Environmental Management Plan to manage and mitigate potential adverse effects through the life of the project.
PAC- RIM will comply with all environmental assessment approvals and requirements, and all applicable environmental laws, regulations, standards, permits, approvals and authorizations.
It is PAC-RIM'S objective to:
- Be a leader in environmentally responsible gas transmission and LNG production, and to constantly strive for improvement in environmental performance;
- Operate the facilities in a manner which meets all applicable environmental requirements;
- Minimize any undesirable environmental effects of operation on the local region; and
- Implement an Environmental Management System through the Environmental Management Plan to attain a level of environmental management equivalent to CSA Standard Z750-94 or equivalent international standards.
PAC-RIM will implement mitigation measures for this development which will include but not necessarily be limited to:
- Environmentally-sensitive planning and the use of design alternatives to lessen or eliminate potential impacts and to enhance potential benefits;
- Environmentally-sound construction practices;
- Environmentally-sound operation procedures and careful, conservative management of maintenance activities; and
- Strict adherence to all applicable legislation.
Project Description ||
Project Benefits ||
Public Consultation ||
Environmental Policy
Environmental Management ||
Environmental Assessment ||
Procurement Strategy ||