Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.



It is PAC-RIM's policy to encourage the competitive participation of the workforce and business community in the project area, by:

Procurement criteria established by PAC-RIM are as follows:
  1. Quality
  2. Financial Capacity
  3. Delivery
  4. Technical Ability
  5. Price
  6. Experience
Maximization of procurement within the project area will be dependent on fair and competitive pricing.


Briefing Sessions, Information Packages
Briefing sessions and information packages will provide information regarding the goods and services required for the project, and solicit input with respect to the timing of tender calls and size of procurement packages.

Identification of Suppliers, Professional and Trade Associations
The capacities and qualifications of specialized engineering firms, construction companies, manufacturing and service firms will be identified.

Development of Vendor Lists
Suppliers in the project area who express an interest in the project will be required to identify the categories of goods and/or services they can provide, as well as their work and commercial capacity. The categories are based generally on the industry standard Canadian National Master Construction Specifications.

Procurement Packages and Procedures
Project specifications will be designed to standardize and simplify the development of procurement packages, tendering, contracting, procurement and execution of work. Procurement packages will be developed to ensure that qualified local firms have the opportunity to bid on all elements of the project.

Full and Fair Access will be achieved through:

Project Description || Project Benefits || Public Consultation || Environmental Policy
Environmental Management || Environmental Assessment || Procurement Strategy || PAC-RIM


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Revised: July 17, 1996
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