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PIONEER LEGACY: Chronicles of the Lower Skeena River

Includes about 100 photos

Norma V. Bennett has unearthed fascinating rare archival documents and photographs, and coaxed stories out of some of the Skeena's early pioneers. From the feast and folkways of the Tsimshian Nation, to the bluster and bustle of the sternwheeler era, Pioneer Legacy documents the greatest days of a great river.

From Back of Volume I

The Skeena is a grand river, a beautiful river, a dangerous river, and for centuries it has been humanity's highway from the northwest coast to the northern interior of what is now British Columbia. Pioneer Legacy celebrates this mighty waterway and pays tribute to the rugged individuals—native peoples, white settlers, and adverturers from all over the world—who have travelled, explored, lived and died along its turbulent 350-mile length.

From: BC Historical News – Fall 2000

The first volume of PIONEER LEGACY: Chronicles of the Lower Skeena River—reviewed in BC Historical News, Winter 1998-1999 by George Newell of Victoria—was awarded second prize in the 1997 BCHF writing competition. Pioneer Legacy is a compilation of stories up to about 1920 collected by Norma V. Bennett, who donated her material to the Dr. R.E.M. Lee Hospital Foundation in Terrace for publication. Any funds realized were to go toward hospital equipment. So far approximately $20,000.00 of the revenues of the first volume has gone towards the new endoscopy unit for Mills Memorial Hospital in Terrace.

Volume I - PIONEER LEGACY: Chronicles of the Lower Skeena River by: Norma V. Bennett — Soft Cover - $3000 — Hard Cover - $4500

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Copyright © 2000, Inc.. Updated: November 5, 2000