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Showing articles: 57 to 64 of 125

Santa Parade 2001 – 12/5/2001 1:23:08 PM

Sponsored by Kermode Net Inc. — This year's Santa Parade—A Parade of Lights—was the biggest Santa Parade ever . . . At least in Terrace. Hundreds of parents and children lined Lakelse Avenue in anticipation, and, an unusual occurrence here, the parade started bang on the advertised time of 6 p.m. …Full Story. More Stories…

We're a Four Bloom community, and headed for the nationals! – 12/5/2001 12:38:42 PM

See update: Communities in Bloom provincial ratingsFull Story. More Stories…

September 11, 2001 – The Day That Changed 6.170454503 Billion Lives (2) – 11/29/2001 11:18:35 AM

We've all seen the images on television, but somehow it's impossible to comprehend the reality and the extent of the destruction. Having spent a month at Ground Zero in New York City, we asked Terrace fire chief Randy Smith to try to describe what he saw. …Full Story. More Stories…

Whirlwind circle tour put us in the spotlight – 11/28/2001 11:59:37 AM

Two hundred tour operators who are members of the Tourist Travel Academy in Germany are currently meeting in Vancouver, and 40 of them—two groups of 20—decided to make a one-day circle tour of BC's Pacific Northwest. The first group of 20 passed through town yesterday and toured Heritage Park. …Full Story. More Stories…

Santa's coming to town! – 11/22/2001 9:56:18 AM

Don't miss the Kermode Christmas "A Parade of Lights" at 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 1. The parade begins at City hall, proceeds down Lakelse Avenue to Emerson, then makes an illegal left turn to complete the parade at the George Little Park Emerson Street parking lot. …Full Story. More Stories…

September 11, 2001 – The day that changed 6.170454503 billion lives (1) – 11/16/2001 1:19:35 PM

There has been much discussion in some quarters about the sensibility of a small, distant community—especially one situated in a foreign country with financial needs of it's own due to difficult economic times—sending financial aid to New York. Some say their insurance will cover their loss. Others, that America can take care of itself. Still others, that we've got people in need right here at home. Some argue that it's a tragedy in itself that ongoing fundraising by many organizations closer to home are being shunned. And there's a few, of course, as there are in every crowd, who point to the softwood lumber tariff and ask why we should even care about New York when the Americans are destroying the economic viability of our community.…Full Story. More Stories…

Remembrance Day 2001 – 11/11/2001 5:17:34 PM

Remembrance Day 2001 in Terrace was much the same as it has always been; an important reminder of the sacrifice six decades ago and how lucky we are to live in a free country. There was one difference this year, however, the weather, which, while typically wet, was untypically mild. …Full Story. More Stories…

Child Find Identification Event deemed a success – 11/8/2001 3:20:12 PM

The Kitimat RCMP, Kitimat Kiwanis Club and local volunteers conducted a sucessful Child Find Identification Event at Overwaitea Foods on November 3. …Full Story. More Stories…

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Showing articles: 57 to 64 of 125

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Top News
Snow Shortage still plagues Ski Resorts - Dec 8, 2002
Caledonia musical "State Fair" another great Success - Dec 7, 2002
Nov 16, 2002, Talstra returned as Mayor - also 4 incumbent councillors
Terrace Community Band celebrates 20th anniversary in style

Sports News
BC Summer Games – Nanaimo, August 1-4, 2002
Terrace's Wade Balbirnie tops King of the Mountain Footrace
Riverboat Days 2002: Beach Blast Volleyball "2"
Riverboat Days 2002: 2nd Annual Street Hockey Challenge

Community News
Skeena Valley Fall Fair wrap-up . . . Exhibitors: Claim your prizes
Don't miss the Fair . . . Get a FREE RIDE!
TROOPER: CFNR Classic Rock memories
Riverboat Days 2002

Bulletin d’information de l’école Francophone Jack Cook
Clarence Michiel Report-April
Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002

Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
