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Volunteer evacuation in Old Remo due to flooding . . . And it could get worse – 6/15/2002 4:49:26 PM

A voluntary evacuation of Old Remo began this morning due to flooding, and more areas in the region could be affected soon. Notably, Mark Street off Queensway Drive and Usk. Other areas of concern are Brauns Island and Skeena Street. …Full Story. More Stories…

"The next 48 hours are critical" . . . a ¼-inch of rain could put low lying areas under water – 6/14/2002 5:25:52 PM

The weather this weekend will be a determining factor in the flooding potential of the Skeena River in the Terrace area. Several days of hot weather have brought the Skeena to the "first alert" flow of 5,000 cubic metres per second (cms) once again. But there could be more to come. The current weather forecast for the Northwest is for showers and then rain. …Full Story. More Stories…

Thank you Terrace! – 6/12/2002 8:56:02 AM

Well, Hire-A-Student week is officialy over and we are pleased to announce that the office surpassed it's goal!! …Full Story. More Stories…

Armed robbery at beer and wine store – 6/10/2002 1:31:06 PM

Terrace RCMP are investigating an armed robbery that took place at the Coast Innn of the West Wine and Beer Store at about 5:15 p.m. last Friday. A lone male brandishing a knife forced the clerk to hand over about $300 in cash. The clerk was alone in the store at the time of the robbery. …Full Story. More Stories…

FLOOD POTENTIAL, UPADATE FOR WEEKEND OF JUNE 8 & 9, 2002 – 6/7/2002 3:25:36 PM

Northwest river levels continue to fluctuate as a result of cool, unsettled weather. However,Rivers have recorded overall drops this week compared to last week. Flows remain high, close to bankfull conditions, and a warming trend forecast through the weekend is expected to elevate river levels again by early next week.…Full Story. More Stories…

Alpine campaign in memory of Michel Trudeau surpasses its goal – 6/7/2002 11:21:14 AM

NELSON - The national Kokanee Glacier Alpine Campaign, spearheaded by BC Parks with the support of the Friends of West Kootenay Parks and the family of former prime minister Pierre Trudeau, has surpassed its fundraising goal of $900,000. …Full Story. More Stories…

Early Childhood publications provide guidance and resources – 6/7/2002 11:12:17 AM

PRINCE GEORGE - Two publications released today to help families and caregivers nurture early childhood development are part of government's commitment to young children, said Linda Reid, minister of state for early childhood development. …Full Story. More Stories…

FLOOD POTENTIAL UPDATE, JUNE 06, 2002 – 6/6/2002 5:44:31 PM

Heavy rain which fell in the Skeena and Bulkley River Basins over the past 48 hours is working its way through the system. As expected the mainstem rivers have risen in response to the increased runoff. The weather forecast for the Skeena River calls for showers and cooler temperatures as the weekend approaches and this should slow the rate of snowmelt. In the Bulkley River Basin there is still some rain forecast for today however no significant accumulations are expected. Freezing levels should drop in this area as the weekend approaches and this will reduce the rate of snowmelt in the Bulkley River Basin as well.…Full Story. More Stories…

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Top News
Snow Shortage still plagues Ski Resorts - Dec 8, 2002
Caledonia musical "State Fair" another great Success - Dec 7, 2002
Nov 16, 2002, Talstra returned as Mayor - also 4 incumbent councillors
Terrace Community Band celebrates 20th anniversary in style

Sports News
BC Summer Games – Nanaimo, August 1-4, 2002
Terrace's Wade Balbirnie tops King of the Mountain Footrace
Riverboat Days 2002: Beach Blast Volleyball "2"
Riverboat Days 2002: 2nd Annual Street Hockey Challenge

Community News
Skeena Valley Fall Fair wrap-up . . . Exhibitors: Claim your prizes
Don't miss the Fair . . . Get a FREE RIDE!
TROOPER: CFNR Classic Rock memories
Riverboat Days 2002

Bulletin d’information de l’école Francophone Jack Cook
Clarence Michiel Report-April
Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002

Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
