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Canada Day 2002

There were two major Canada Day events in Terrace on Monday. The 4th Annual Terrace Professional Firefighters Pancake Breakfast in the morning, which was a huge success. Then, beginning at noon, the Picnic in the Park at Heritage Park Museum. This event too, was well attended.


The stats for the Firefighters Pancake Breakfast are impressive. About 30 volunteers cooked for and fed more than 1,000 guests and raised $3,366.08 for the BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund. That's $533 better than last year, and the money will certainly be well used for a good cause. The BC Professional Fire Fighters' Burn Fund is dedicated to burn prevention, burn survivor support, and burn recovery programs in B.C.

A few bonuses at the breakfast were safety awareness displays, plenty of draws to enter (winners listed below), static displays such as an ambulance and the Terrace Water Rescue boat, fire truck rides for the kids, and best of all from an overall perspective was the Thornhill Junior Secondary Stage Band who provided background music and raised money for the Dare to Dream Foundation.

(For 13 additional high quality Pancake Breakfast photos by Loell Holmquist,
visit More Canada Day 2002 photos)

The Dare to Dream Foundation supports the Grade-7 music program and is working on doing the same thing for the Grade-6 program. These music programs fell to budget cuts in 1998.

Though we're still waiting for information on the Picnic at Heritage Park, the park was closed Tuesday and Wednesday, we do have good things to report. There was a steady flow of people, as those that were leaving were almost instantly replaced by others just arriving. So it was a busy place, yet still a relaxing place to spend a few hours. There was live music, free balloons, face painting, stilts, who many actually mastered, and, of course, the museum itself which is always a pleasure to visit no matter how often you've been there.

Draw winners are listed below, as are proud sponsors of the Pancake Breakfast. And we've got 42 photos for you as a record of the day's events.

We believe you'll enjoy our Photo Essay best in the SlideShow Mode. If you have a slow connection you might find the slide show runs a little slow the first time through. Once the photos have been downloaded once, though, subsequent runs of the show will be more satisfying. If you don't want to wait, however, click on Essay at the top of the page.

4th Annual Terrace Professional Firefighters Draw Winners

Ruth Hayward — 1/64 scale John Deere Tractor Display Model
Cheryl Pedro — Subway Gift Certificate
Marleigh Owen — Subway Gift Certificate
Justin Williams — Subway Gift Certificate
Jodie Hubbard — Subway Gift Certificate
John Hoorenborg — Fire Department Mug & Subway Gift Certificate
Corr (last name?) — Subway Gift Certificate
Kyle Grey — Lock Set
Terry (last name?) — Fire Extinguisher
Levi Greaves — Tool Set
Judy Murray — Travel Bag
Dave Martin — First Aid Kit
W. Reynolds — Fire Department Mug
Shelley Haynes — SoftKut Scissor Kit
M. Atkinson — Travel Bag
J.R. McKay — Folding Chair
Angus MacPherson — Screwdriver Set

4th Annual Terrace Professional Firefighters Pancake Breakfast Sponsors

Acklands-Granger Inc.

Alm-Wood Contracting

Bear Creek Contracting

BC Ambulance Service (Terrace)

Canada Safeway

Canadian Tire

Close Up Magazine

Copperside Foods

Daybreak Farms (Terrace)

Don Hull & Sons Contracting
Evangelical Free Church Youth Group

Fabricland Terrace

Gemma's Souveniers

Independent Order of Foresters

Kaman Industrial Technologies McDonald's Restaurant

Mohawk Terrace Stop 'n' Shop

Mr. Mike's

Northcoast Trimline

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Save On Foods

Spee-Dee Printers

Superior Propane

Terrace Builders

Terrace Volunteer Firefighter's Association

Thornhill Fire Department

Uniglobe Courtesy Travel

Zellers Inc.

7/3/2002 7:21:22 PM (PST)

Copyright © 2002 by Kermode Net Inc. Click for printer-friendly version
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Letters to the Editor

Send us your thoughts from your browser!

We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
