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Smithers Weather

B.C. Ferry's canceling October sailings to the north will have very negative consequences

Route 10 – end of summer service

Regional District of Kitimat-Stikine
300-4545 Lazelle Avenue
Terrace, British Columbia
V8G 4E1
Tel (250) 615-6100
Fax (250) 635-9222

April 30, 2002

Mr. Bob Lingwood
President and CEO
BC Ferry Corporation
1112 Fort Street
Victoria, BC
V8V 4V2

Dear Mr. Lingwood:

Re: Route 10 – End Of Summer Service

The Kitimat-Stikine Regional Board is very disappointed with your letter of April 2. First, the decision itself to cancel the October sailings will have very negative consequences for shoulder season tourism in this region. Methodical progress towards expanding the operating season for northern tourism businesses was undermined by canceling service. This may appear a small adjustment to BC Ferries operations but causes great concern in a region that presently has few opportunities for economic growth.

We appreciate that BC Ferries asks the question about how much taxpayers should be subsidizing ferry services. We wonder if the operational costs of $290,000 are onerous, given the spending that is generated by users of the Route 10 service. Almost all will travel for several days throughout much of the province. Our perception is that there are services provided elsewhere, in the Gulf Islands for example, which are redundant, serve few people and are returning far less to BC taxpayers and the BC economy than does Route 10 traffic.

Finally, you acknowledge that the decision to cancel the October service was not party to consultation, yet commit to working with key stakeholders in developing services. We would appreciate further information on how and when this consultation will occur and who those stakeholders will be.

Yours truly

Mr. Harry Nyce

cc Premier Gordon Campbell
Honourable Judith Reid, Minister of Transportation
BC Northern Caucus
northwest BC media

5/14/2002 3:31:18 PM (PST)

Copyright © 2002 by Kermode Net Inc. Click for printer-friendly version
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Letters to the Editor

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We will be visiting Terrace again
Thanks for the help and a very memorable visit
I am really yearning to catch a 25+ pound salmon . . . Can you suggest how I could go about catching my dream fish?
