Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.

32nd Annual
Skeena Valley Fall Fair
Terrace, BC Canada

crack open the wonders...

of Events



Horse Show

How to
Get There

2002 Executive


Fall Fair Photos


Show Classes


Entry Form


Show Rules


Skeena Valley Fall Fair Association Horse Show
Thornhill Community Grounds, Terrace, B.C.





Class Entered

Entry Fee






































I make these entries at my own risk and subject to the rules of the event and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby agree to make no claims against the organizing committee, the Skeena Valley Fall Fair Association or its Directors should any damage be occasioned to or loss occur to any animal or equipment, or any accident or injury to any person at this event. As the undersigned owner/parent or guardian, I hereby acknowledge and agree to accept all risks that may arise as a result of participation in this equestrian activity. I hereby acknowledge that all equestrian sports have certain risks involved. I further certify that I have read all the instructions and will comply with the rules of the event.

Signature of Parent/Guardian __________________________

Name (please print) __________________________________

NOTE NEW ADDRESS:  Mail entries to:

 Skeena Valley Fall Fair Association
P.O. Box 495,Terrace, B.C.V8G 4B5

NOTE:   Make cheques payable to: Skeena Valley
Fall Fair Association


Total Entry Fee


Stabling (Thur+Fri night) $10


Jump Fee $10


Exhibitor Pass $3





Junior 13 & Over
Junior 12 & Under

Competitor's Phone # _____________
Birth date of Junior _______________

Parent/Guardian signature for Junior

Entry Deadline: August 26, 2002


Skeena Valley Fall Fair is maintained by Cathy Palasthy with help from

raven.i creative
Phone: 250-635-6940
If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact our executive.