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Stikine Riversong
travelling by river in BC

Stikine RiverSong offers visitors to the Stikine River area a variety of ways to enjoy the River. Visitors can travel in one of our comfortable covered aluminum riverboats for an afternoon, a single overnight or a several day trip to the Lower River and beyond to Wrangell, Alaska. StikineRiverSong operates under special use permit from the USDA Forest Service; Tongass National Forest.

May 23-28, 2002 Elderhostel Tour.   Join a small group
for a 6 day trip from Dease Lake to Telegraph Creek then down the Stikine by jetboat to the Alaska border and return to Dease Lake.  Travel along the spectacular Telegraph Creek Road, tour the historic townsite, experience spring returning to the Stikine Valley, wildflowers blooming, birds returning, bears & cubs,  moose calving.   Northern Lights College in Dease Lake has offered and administered this trip for the past four years.  Visit the Elderhostel site and scroll down to Northern Lights College for a description and registration form

June 29, 30, 31July Long Weekend to Shakes Lake.
Northern Lights College in Dease Lake is organizing this riverboat trip from Telegraph Creek to Alaska to visit Great Glacier Lake, Chief Shakes Hot Springs, and Glacier fed Shakes Lake.  Two nights camping along the river, tents, sleeping pads, dry bags and all meals provided, 
Call Beth at 1-800-324-8203, 1-250-771-5500 

Sample prices for the boat, up to eight people on day trips and 6 people for overnight camping trips, are as follows in Canadian Dollars:

1 1\2 hour minimum tour
$ 175 inc. GST

Our minimum tour will take you from Telegraph Creek to the Glenora/ Hudson Bay Flats area, back to Telegraph Creek and water levels permitting two miles above Telegraph Creek to the entrance of the Grand Canyon of the Stikine

Eight Mile Waterfall
$50 seat / $175 Min. + GST

In the winter of 2000, we purchased a custom-built twin engine Alicraft Jet Boat. Depending upon water levels, we now run up river into the lower reaches of the Grand Canyon. Except when the river is in flood, we usually can get to the waterfall. As the water level comes down, we start running farther up into the canyon. Last season we ran to just above the confluence of the Stikine and Tahltan Rivers numerous times.

Confluence of the Stikine & Tahltan Rivers
$75 seat / $275 + GST

1/2 Day Tour (4 hours)
$ 355 inc. GST

The 1/2 day tour takes us 35 miles down river to the confluence of the Chutine River and Jackson's Landing. This area is the furthest down river area of historical year round residency. From Jackson's to the coast the only year round residents were four legged or winged.

Full Day Tour including lunch (8 hours) $ 775 inc. GST

The full day tour will take you 65 miles down river through the Little Canyon into the heart of the Coat Mountains. This is the land of Glaciers, braided river channel, infrequently travelled wilderness.

Single overnight camping trip including meals for four $1820.00 inc. GST

4 Day Trip to Wrangell, Alaska!

2 Day Trip to The Great Glacier & Alaskan border!

Canoe/Kayak Rental & Backhaul Services

Extended trips, which include accommodations at the RiverSong, all meals, equipment, and hiking in the Telegraph Creek area.

Prices quoted upon request

river trips

Please contact us for further information about creating your own custom designed trip at:

Dan Pakula
Stikine RiverSong
Box 47
Telegraph Creek, BC Canada
V0J 2W0

Phone/Fax (250) 235-3196


river boat toursDescr. Text guide and outfitter, tourism hostDescr. Text

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