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Pages: 1
showing polls: 1 to 22 of 22
Question Vote/Results Date
What is your opinion on the proposal for a Stikine-Chilcotin electoral riding? Take Poll
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How would you rate Riverboat Days 2002 Take Poll
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How often do you buckle your seat belt when you get into a motor vehicle? Take Poll
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Locals use a variety of techniques to get to the other side of the street. Which way is both smart and safe? Take Poll
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How do you feel about Liberal "Drastic Measures" health care? Take Poll
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Have you, or will you be, completing and returning your treaty settlement referendum form? Take Poll
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If you have, or will be completeing your treaty settlement referendum form, what was your response to the first question (either 'yes' or 'no' could be interpreted as approval - not necessarily grammatically korrect)? (you can select more than one) Take Poll
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Do you think the government's liquor reform strategy is a good thing for your community? Take Poll
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Canadian Alliance Leadership Election 2002: the results of the first ballot on the membership vote will be announced March 20. Who do you think is best suited for Canadian Alliance leadership? Show Results 3/5/2002
Has the February 12 Throne Speech changed your mind about the Liberal government? Show Results 2/13/2002
What do you read into Gordon Campbell's Throne Speech? Show Results 2/13/2002
On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the Liberal Government today? Show Results 2/13/2002
How would you rate BC's Liberal government overall on a scale of 1 to 10? Show Results 2/6/2002
Liberal Policy & Worker Protest — Who's right? Show Results 1/31/2002
How would you rate winter highway road maintenance compared to previous years? Show Results 12/21/2001
If you're a pedestrian, how would you rate the average driver? Take Poll
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If you're a driver, how would you rate the average pedestrian? Take Poll
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If you're a driver, rate the average pedestrian Take Poll
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Should Terrace council make a commitment to try to raise $5 million locally to save SCI? Show Results 11/7/2001
Do you think the Toronto Dominion Bank should be made to live up to their agreement to pay contractors up to August 31? Show Results 9/16/2001
Should the government bail SCI out? Show Results 9/6/2001
Who are you going to vote for on September 8, 2001 Show Results 8/27/2001

Pages: 1
showing polls: 1 to 22 of 22

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