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IDP/Child Care Services
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The Infant Development Program (IDP) is for children age birth to 3 years and their families. IDP provides developmental assessment, ongoing counseling, information, and support to many of the families referred to the Kitimat Child Development Centre. Services are provided in the family's home, in the Centre, and in community settings. IDP includes a playgroup for parent and child group interaction. Also available, is a lending library of toys, books, videos, and resources available for use by clients.Supported Childcare (SCC) promotes the inclusion of children who require extra support within their family's choice of a community childcare setting. SCC provides ongoing consultative and educational support to caregivers who include children requiring extra support in their settings. The program provides assistance to families in finding appropriate care and accessing services from the Ministry for Children and Families. As well, SCC provides individualized program plans for each eligible child according to the family's goals and priorities. SCC workers monitor and evaluate children's progress on a regular basis. A lending library of toys and resources is available for community preschool and daycare settings.
The Preschool Program facilitates children's learning through adaptation, inclusion, and goal setting. The Preschool Program offers a team based approach with parents, educators, and therapists working together to determine goals and action plans for achieving success.