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Supported Childcare

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Our goal is to promote the inclusion of children who require extra support within their family's choice of a community child care setting. Our objectives are the following:
  • To provide ongoing consultative and educational support to care- givers who include children who require extra support in their settings.
  • To provide assistance to families in finding appropriate care and accessing services from the Ministry for Children and Families (MCF).
  • To provide individualized program plans (IPP) for each eligible child according to the family's goals and priorities
  • To provide direct support to child care settings that include eligible children, as determined by the support guide.
  • To monitor and evaluate each child's progress on a regular basis.
  • As well, a lending library of toys and resources is available for use by community care providers and supported child care staff.

    Our staff provide the coordination of the program, consultation to centres, direct support to children, referrals to therapists and/or other community professionals, and assistance with referrals to MCF. Workshops on related topics are offered periodically to community caregivers, preschool teachers and SCC workers.


    Eligibility is determined by the MCF based on assessment documentation from a therapist, physician, or intervention team. A child may be eligible for Supported Child Care (SCC) due to a delay or disorder in one or more of the following areas:
  • Communicative
  • Physical
  • Cognitive
  • Emotional/ Behavioral

  • Applying

    All referrals come through the Ministry for Children and Families (MCF) Community Living Social Worker, Cecile Fifi, phone (250) 638-2330 in Terrace, or leave a  message at Kitimat MCF office at (250) 632-7256 (financial assistance available).

    For more information on the referral process, call SCC Coordinator, Miriam Allen at (250) 632-3144.