rules are in effect through the years 2001-2003.
email us or telephone (250)635-9060
if you would like more information.
and Amendments - (effective 2002 racing season)
on right front wheel may be adjusted by stock vehicle adjustment procedure or
by lengthening the control arm bolts to add shims, re-drilling or slotting mounting
holes to adjust the mounting location of the strut and/or control arm. No other
modifications may be done to allow adjustment.
mounts must be stock but may have upper and lower sections welded or bolted together.
box must be securely fastened to the rollcage.
class is intended to be an entry level class. It is primarily for new or less
experienced racers to get into our sport while having fun and gaining experience
before moving up to a faster class. Please remember that these rules are to allow
building and racing a safe and fun but inexpensive car. If you feel the need to
modify your car or to go faster than these rules allow, please move up to a different
class. Think cheap and fun!
stock 4-cylinder four or more passenger car or regular or extended-cab truck allowed.
No twin carb, turbo, 4x4 or rotary engine vehicles allowed. There will be no age
limit on vehicles. Vehicles to remain stock-appearing. No alterations or modifications
will be allowed unless specifically mentioned in the following rules.
- All flammable
materials, chrome trim, potmetal and glass to be removed.
- Firewall to remain
stock and have all holes covered or filled.
- No body panels
may be removed except for drivers door panel. This may be removed for door bar
installation. Driver’s “B” pillar may be removed to allow easier exit from car.
- Fenders may not
be radiused.
- All body panels
must be stock. Bumpers must remain stock with no reinforcing.
- Bumpers must be
strapped to body with securely attached minimum 1/8” thick 2” wide steel.
- Doors must be
welded or bolted shut.
- Stock latching
of hood and trunk lid must be removed and replaced with hood pins (reinforced
with minimum 2” diameter washers).
- One door mirror
allowed (not to protrude past door). One rearview mirror allowed inside car.
- Missing body panels
must be replaced by next race weekend.
- Windshield optional.
May use windshield or windshield on driver’s side only or an approved full-face
helmet. Windshield must be made of lexan and securely fastened to body. No plexiglass
or glass windshields or other windows allowed. No other windows allowed except
on trucks which must use a rear window. This is to isolate the fuel tank area
from the driver’s compartment.
- Must have a vertical
bar in centre of windshield to deflect hood upwards in case of accident. Must
be min 1/8” thick 1” wide steel.
- May use single
bucket seat or racing seat. Must be securely attached to the roll cage from the
lower left door bar to a bar in the center of the vehicle.
- Driver’s door
may have top 4 inches (maximum) folded in to allow easier entry and exit. Top
door bar must be at top of door opening if door is modified.
- Must have 4 tow
chains (1 per corner of car).
- Seatbelts must
be attached with minimum ½” bolts.
- No brazing allowed
on car-parts must be bolted or welded only.
- No plastic fire
extinguisher mounts.
- Four-point roll
cage only mandatory. Cage may not be attached to the car in more than 4 places
i.e. door bars may not be welded to body.
- Cage must be minimum
1 15/32” OD, .095 wall steel pipe. No exhaust pipe or galvanized pipe allowed.
- No front or rear
hoops allowed. One single bar allowed between front shock towers to keep towers
from collapsing. May not attach to either firewall or rad support.
- Must have minimum
4 door bars on left side (extending into driver’s door) and 2 door bars on the
right side. Top bar to be no more than 4” below top of door. Must have at least
one row of vertical bars between all door bars.
- Posts to be welded
securely to frame or to minimum 4”square 3/16” steel plate fastened to floor with
a minimum of four ½” bolts. Must have steel plate under floor with bolts going
through top plate, floor and bottom plate.
- Bars that could
come in contact with driver must have approved padding on them.
- No nerf bars on
outside of body.
- Roll cage must
be passed by tech crew.
Working 4 wheel
hydraulic brakes mandatory. Brake checks will be performed randomly throughout
the season.
- Absolutely no
modifications allowed to suspension. Wheel alignment may be adjusted within limits
of stock parts with no modifications.
- Skid plate on
RF lower control are is recommended. Must be minimum 8” long, 3” wide and ¼” thick
with turned up ends. It must be mounted so it will contact the track before the
rim or suspension.
- All cars must
use either 13” or 14” wheels. No rim staggering allowed-all rims must be either
13” or 14”.
- No tires wider
than P205/70 allowed on carbureted vehicles and P195/70 on fuel-injected vehicles
(ie. tires that would be allowed are: P195/70R14, P185/80R13). Bias ply tires
are NOT allowed-radial tires only.
- No tires without
aspect ratio on sidewall allowed i.e. no 6.00-14” tires allowed. No studded tires
allowed. Stock, DOT approved, street legal tires only. No recaps allowed.
- Stock 4 cylinder
engine only. Maximum 2.5L engine size. Engine must be stock for that year and
model of vehicle. No modifications to engine allowed other than removal of emissions
- No twin carb,
turbo or rotary engines allowed.
- Air cleaner is
mandatory but type is optional. Air cleaner must not draw air from outside engine
- Stock fuel injection
allowed with no modifications whatsoever.
- In order to automatically
shut off the electric fuel pump in case of an accident, rollover, etc., all cars
with EFI and with stock electric fuel pumps (ie Honda Accord) must use a Ford
inertia switch wired into the fuel pump circuit and mounted to left of the steering
column. See the attached diagram.
- Maximum 94 octane
pump gas only. No aviation or racing fuels allowed.
- Stock size exhaust
pipe only. Mufflers optional.
- Exhaust must
exit behind driver and be pointed away from the fuel tank vent.
- Stock exhaust
manifold only.
- Catalytic converter
may be removed.
- Sound level checks
may be performed randomly throughout the race season.
- Transmission
must remain stock.
- Must have all
working forward and reverse gears.
- Must use stock
flywheel, clutch, torque converter etc.
- Aftermarket transmission
coolers allowed. Rubber hoses to cooler must be double clamped and no longer than
- Must have scattershield
such as conveyor belting over top of the bellhousing to prevent a blown clutch
from coming into the driver’s compartment.
- Stock rear end
- No posi, welding
of spider gears etc. allowed.
- Carbureted vehicles
must have stock fuel tank removed and replaced with an approved fuel cell or steel
boat tank. The tank must be mounted in the trunk of the car as far forward as
possible, preferably over the rear axle. EFI and carbureted vehicles with stock
electric fuel pump may use stock fuel tank with built-in electric pump, stock
lines, etc., subject to tech crew approval. Fuel lines on cars with electric pumps
must remain stock-no splicing in rubber hose, etc. Stock fuel tank must have a
skid plate under it. Must be minimum 1/8” metal the same size as the tank with
the sides open to allow spilled fuel to escape. Skid plate must be attached with
minimum 3/8” bolts and will be subject to tech crew approval. Fuel filler must
be inside trunk compartment. Tank must be completely isolated from the driver.
- Must have minimum
4” hole under tank to allow any spillage to escape.
- Must have screw
type cap.
- Tank must be
securely attached to car with steel strapping, tech crew’s discretion.
- Must have fuel
tank vent pipe extending below bottom of tank and on left side or an approved
roll-over check valve.
- Carbureted vehicles
must have no more than 6 inches of rubber fuel line in any one place allowed with
a maximum of 18” of rubber fuel line in the vehicle. Fuel lines on vehicles with
electric pumps must remain stock. No splicing in rubber hose, etc. Note: The tech
crew will not tolerate improperly mounted fuel tanks. These rules are for everyone’s
- Battery must
be mounted inside car preferably on floor behind driver.
- If a plastic
boat box is used the battery must be secured to the floor of the car with steel
hold-downs. Must have plastic or rubber over terminals.
- Battery installation
must be passed by tech crew.
- Battery must
be securely fastened to car with steel hold downs.
- Battery must
be covered.
- Alternator must
be used and working.
- All switches
must be clearly labeled and in easy reach of driver while belted in and safety
- Cooling system
must be stock with no modifications other than removal of thermostat.
- Any OEM radiator
allowed as long as it fits under the hood of the car without excessive modifications.
- No antifreeze
- May use electric
fan or stock fan and shroud. Vehicles without shrouds may have a shroud added.
All vehicles must have a shield to cover the top of the fan.
- Must have minimum
½ gal overflow container mounted in engine compartment. Items not specifically
covered in the rules are to remain stock.
Any "grey areas"
in the rules are to be referred to the tech crew. If you have any doubts-ask the
tech crew first !!
Any equipment
that the tech crew considers exotic or not in the intent of the rules will be
considered illegal.