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![]() Terrace, British Columbia, Canada |
Additions and Amendments - Effective 2002 Please email us or telephone (250)635-9060 if you would like more information. Street Stock The rules state that starting in the 2002 race year, street stock engines must be sealed. However, due to concerns being raised, the executive has amended that rule as follows: For the 2002 race season, all street stock engines must be "officially" sealed as per the rulebook or they will have 2 intake manifold bolts sealed either before the season starts or on the first race day the car is at. At any time after that point, if the engine is torn down it must be "officially" sealed when it is put back together or it will be considered illegal. If the engine is "officially" sealed as per the rulebook, it will be considered legal at any teardown or track record inspection or random inspection. Engines "unofficially" sealed, that is just intake bolts sealed, will be considered legal only for random teardowns. If an "unofficially" sealed engine is protested, the protest fee will be $100. An officially sealed engine may be protested with a fee of $300. In the case of a track record being broken with an "unofficially" sealed engine, the new track record will not stand. An engine with any seal removed, broken or tampered with will be considered illegal. Body mounts may be removed and replaced with minimum ¼ " belting. Bombers Camber on right front wheel may be adjusted by stock vehicle adjustment procedure or by lengthening the control arm bolts to add shims, re-drilling or slotting mounting holes to adjust the mounting location of the strut and/or control arm. No other modifications may be done to allow adjustment. Engine mounts must be stock but may have upper and lower sections welded or bolted together. Battery box must be securely fastened to the rollcage. General Rules In order for a driver to protest another car he/she must have raced at least 50% of the race season prior to the day of the protest in the car he/she raced that day. In the case of A & B drivers of the same car being tied for points the driver that had the fastest time in that year will be considered the A driver. The first 4 workbees each person attends will be worth 25 points each. The next 2 will be worth 50 points each. No race day points will be awarded to a driver that has not completed at least 1 workbee. A driver that has not attended a workbee will still be encouraged to race and be eligible for race day trophies and all other rights but will not receive race day points. All other drivers will receive their points as though the offending driver had received points.