Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest.
Many of the pages on this site
are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc.
found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.
The Basics
- Sikhi was founded in 1469A.D. with the birth of
the first Sikh Prophet - Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
- Sikh males wear turbans and keep unshorn (uncut) beards.
- Sikhi teaches the existance of ONE God.
- The first Sikh Prophets' (Guru Nanak Dev Ji's) first
companion was Bhai Mardana - a MUSLIM Bard.
- There are approximately 20 Million Sikhs in the world.
- Sikhi is the newest Universal world Religion.
- Sikhi is the only world religion where the original
scripture still exists.
- Sikh men have the Suffix of SINGH (Lion) and women have
the suffix KAUR (Princess) on their name.
- Sikhi is not a sect or derivative of Hinduism or Islam,
but a completely separate religion, commisioned by the
Lord God himself.
- In Sikhi, the most popular name for God is Vahiguru -
many other names are used and Sikhs accept that God has
many names.
- The Sikh Holy Book is called the Guru Granth
Sahib, it contains 1430 pages and includes hymns from
spiritually enlightened saints of India
- Sikhi rejects meat eating, drinking of alchohol and the
use of narcotic and intoxicating substances
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