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 Bed & Breakfast

Terrace, B.C. CANADA

OnnaHill Bed and Breakfast OnnaHill Accomodation and Rates OnnaHill Wellness Centre Locate OnnaHill on the Map German Version

Bed and Breakfast

• 2670 Thornhill Street, Terrace, British Columbia, Canada V8G 4Z7 •
• Phone (250) 615-0404 — Fax (250) 638-1218 •
• e-mail:

Your hosts will be Donna & Tony Ziegler, and Zoe & Renaud (the toy poodles).
Onnahill Bed & Breakfast is perched on a 5 acre unique granite outcropping that offers spectacular views of the Coast Mountains, the surrounding valley and overlooks the Skeena Valley Golf and Country Club.

A long private driveway located a short 10 mintues drive from downtown Terrace.
Enjoy the ambiance of the three story custom built log home (designed by Donna and built by Tony), complete with old fashioned kitchen and wonderful country hospitality. Enjoy a quiet, peaceful atmosphere as you soak in the spectacular views.

Or take a bracing 5 minute hike to the top of the rock hill, covered in soft moss and alpine plants. Discover quiet groves for meditation, or stand at the peak and touch the sky.

Gather around the dining table for great food, spectacular views and charming company.
Onnahill Bed and Breakfast is located close to hiking trails, golf, fishing, swimming, canoeing, downhill and cross-country skiing in the winter, airport and helicopter base.

Enjoy your stay with your hosts – Donna & Tony Ziegler, and Zoe and Renaud the toy poodles.

• 2670 Thornhill Street, Terrace, British Columbia, Canada V8G 4Z7 •
• Phone (250) 615-0404 — Fax (250) 638-1218 •
• e-mail:


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