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Intro Thumbs Frames Essay SlideShow |
A large crowd enjoyed the "real beach volleyball in the centre of town" Monday. There was great competition, plenty of food and loads of fun for everyone!. This was the Riverboat Days: Mr. Mike's Beach Volleyball Blast. And it really was a "blast". There were two divisions; Recreational and Competitive. All games were 30 minutes in duration. Cash prizes in both divisions were $25 per game won in the round robin, $100 for the runner up in the finals, and $200 for the winner. For those in the running, the prizes kind of made all the fun that much more worthwhile. Rear Action won the Recreational Division, while Upset claimed title to runner-up. Mook's & Momo's of Kitimat won the Competitive Division, and Chubby Chickens settled for runner-up.
VIEW PHOTOS Tue Aug 7 23:46:50 PDT 2001 |
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