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Sponsored by Kermode Net Inc. This year's Santa Parade—A Parade of Lights—was the biggest Santa Parade ever . . . At least in Terrace. Hundreds of parents and children lined Lakelse Avenue in anticipation, and, an unusual occurrence here, the parade started bang on the advertised time of 6 p.m. No one was disappointed. There were 26 floats , all adorned with lights, most with kids, and many with Santas. Not real Santas, of course. Everyone knows there's only one real Santa, and he's much too busy at this time of year to attend every Santa Parade in the world. No problem. We don't need to see Santa. We can all wait until the morning of the twenty-fifth to see what he brought those of us who were nice and not naughty. Can't we? A nice touch this year was the encore. The musical encore in the park. Michael Wen's Thornhill Junior Secondary band students set up in the bandshell and treated those willing to share the chilly -10°C air to some traditional Christmas tunes. This was followed by a little karaoke, but many in the audience limped away in their ice cube filled runners at this point. It was cold. At the same time, though, it is December. Maybe next year they'll wear their winter boots. Our congratulations to Terrace Tourism coordinator Darryl Tucker for putting together a great event. Wed Dec 5 13:23:07 PST 2001 |
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