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Kermode Net Inc. congratulates the Caledonia Senior Secondary Class of 2001 — Yesterday's youth . . . Tomorrow's promise. If there are any errors or omissions, please e-mail, or phone us at 635-3444. You can also e-mail if you would like us to add a sentence or two below your photo . . . How about the topic: The future as I see it. That's only a suggestion, of course. Use the subject "grad" and please include your phone number so we can confirm your words are really yours if we think they're a little off-beat. Click here to have a look at Caledonia Awards 2001. UPDATE (June 28, 2001): Thanks to Caledonia's Robin McLeod, we've made several changes to make this the most accurate public record there is. Several photos have been removed, and there are many to add. We're looking for photos of the following Caledonia grads:
Copyright © 2001 by Kermode Net Inc. |