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New Fire Truck for Thornhill - Nov 1, 2002

Art Hill demonstrating new truck Friday November 1, 2002, Thornhill Fire Chief, Art Hill, demonstrated a Telesquirt fire truck for assorted local media. Although 8 years old, the latest truck to join the Thornhill department's fleet looked in mint condition. Chief Art Hill was very pleased that the department saved close to $250,000 over the price of a new truck.

Amelia Nystrom seems pleased with the new truck

The new truck will replace 21-year-old Ladder 3 truck which would have cost over $65,000 in repairs to add at most 5 years to its life. The entire department is extremely pleased with the new purchase, from chief Art Hill, down through the ranks to even the junior firefighters such as Amelia Nystrom who happily showed this reporter the truck. The truck offers not only greater capability but also better safety and comfort for the firefighters, a welcome improvement.

11/2/2002 4:51:08 PM (PST)

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