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Clarence Michiel Report - February 2002SECOND TERM REPORT CARDSReport Cards will be issued on Tuesday, March 12th. More information about Parent-Teacher interviews which are scheduled for March 13th and 14th will be sent home at a later date. CLARENCE MICHIEL READS 2002As part of our Accreditation¹s School Growth Plan, we again this year are involving all our students in a school-wide reading program entitled ³READING OLYMPICS, 2002². Thank you to Mrs. Gregg, our teacher-librarian, for coordinating this activity for us. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYOn Friday, February 22 there will be a Professional Development Day, and students will be excused from classes. PARENT ADVISORY COUNCILOur PAC is sponsoring a Family Dance and Dessert Night on Thursday, March 7. All parents and their children are welcome and encouraged to attend. There will be music and dances to suit all ages. Our student council will be organizing several activities for this evening. One of them will be the compilation of the top 10 most popular songs at Clarence Michiel. Classes will be asked to pick their top 10 and from this list the top 10 of our school will be chosen. This music will be played at our dance. More information will be sent home next week. Volunteers to assist in any way with our Family Dance are needed and if you can help out in any way please contact the school.The next meeting of our Parent Advisory Council will be Tuesday, March 5 at 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm in our library. All parents are welcome to attend. Please contact the school for more information. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR, 2001 - A HUGE SUCCESSOur 21st annual Christmas Bazaar was a resounding success and a great deal of fun. It would not have been possible without the outstanding cooperation and support from parents and staff members, and of course, the students. We were able to raise $2400.00 for the Salvation Army this year. Thank you for all of your help. BASKETBALL SEASON BEGINSOur basketball teams have now started and league play against other schools begins this week. Again this year we have another very enthusiastic group of students and a fine group of dedicated volunteer coaches: Mr. Green, Gr 7 girls; Mr. Gook, Gr 6 boys; Mr. Holkestad, Gr 7 boys; and, Mrs. and Mr. Monture, Gr 6 girls. SPECIAL EVENTS - CLARENCE MICHIEL ³READING OLYMPICS, 2002²Opening ceremonies for our Reading Olympics, 2002 took place on Thursday, February 7 in our gym. The grand entrance of all represented countries and the presentations explaining our Olympic Reading Program from one of the first Olympians from Greece and Pierre De Coubertin highlighted the ceremonies. Students will be reading for medals, prizes, and enjoyment during the next ten days. * |