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The City of Terrace is nestled in the beautiful Skeena River valley at the geographical, commercial, and administrative heart of Northwestern BC. The valley is rich with the culture and traditions of its coastal First Nations founders, the Kitsumkalum and Kitselas people. The unique power of their artwork and social inheritance is a significant force in the community today. Visitors to Terrace are fascinated with the city's colourful past. The first european settlers arrived in the late 1800's to find a home rich in natural resources. Having been incorporated in 1927, the significant stages of it's pioneering past — travel on the Skeena by sternwheeler boat, the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific railway, the ascent of the forest industry — are commemorated by heritage sites around the city and preserved as artifacts and exhibits at Heritage Park.

Terrace is the focal point of a region that offers visitors a staggering array of wilderness and outdoor experiences, all within a one-day return driving distance. It's location and tourist resources make Terrace the ideal staging point for seeing and being involved in the best that this mountainous, forested, multifaceted region has to offer. There is something for all four seasons - cross-country and alpine downhill skiing, fresh water and salt water fishing, camping, sightseeing, and a spectrum of guided tours.

Welcome to Terrace, where your Northwest adventure begins!

Take a tour of Terrace!

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