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Occupational Therapy
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An Occupational Therapist (OT) assists children and the community so that they are able to successfully participate in self care, productivity (play and school work) and leisure activities at home, at school and in the community.As well as carefully breaking down activities into small steps to determine exactly what part of a task is difficult for the child, an OT also looks closely at the child's environment. For example, an OT may recommend changing the physical environment around a child (i.e., using a booster seat; having an elevator put into a child's home, adapting a desk for school work). Occupational therapy may also include teaching the child coping skills so that the child can do activities differently in order to be successful. Through education and demonstration, occupational therapy can assist in changing people's expectations so that the community shares the responsibility for the child's success in the community.
As part of the service, occupational therapy may include periods of regular one one one or group sessions, consultation with other people who are involved with the child and the child's family, education regarding specific children, or general education regarding play, environmental adaptations, and the like.
Occupational therapy services include an early intervention program, and a school therapy program. Occupational therapy services are offered in Kitimat, as well as Prince Rupert. If you would like more information on occupational therapy services in Kitimat, please call 632-3144. If you are in Price Rupert, please contact the Prince Rupert School District #52 Student Support Services at 627-7959 or fax them at 624-6572.
Early Intervention ProgramThe early intervention program serves children from birth to school entry. As well as working closely with the child's family, the OT works with other people who may be involved with the child. Examples of people the OT may work with are daycare providers, preschool teachers, swimming instructors, physicians, public health nurses, and the like.
School Therapy ProgramThe school therapy program serves children from school entry until graduation. The program provides support to the student, staff, and parents in achieving educational goals. The OT works with the educational team members to address the following areas:
fine motor development (i.e., grasp of pencil, use of scissors, printing and handwriting concerns) offer recommendations which support the students IEP (Individual Education Plan) goals adapting materials and methods so a child can be more successful self care skills (i.e., eating, dressing, toiletting, hygiene) equipment needs (i.e., seating, desks, wheelchairs, including making specific funding requests) access to technology (computers) architectural and environmental accessibility (i.e., wheelchair access, access to washrooms) education to caregivers and school staff regarding implications of disabling condition.