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Child/Youth/Parenting Services
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The Building Blocks Program is designed to provide in-home counseling to first-time parents who require support to meet the needs of their child, from age birth to five years.The Healthy Babies Program is designed to meet needs from early pregnancy through to the birth, and parenting. It offers private pregnancy support, nutrition counseling, food vouchers, free prenatal vitamins, breast feeding help, and home and hospital visits if needed. This program offers follow-up with babies for a period of up to one year.
Nobody's Perfect offers information and help for parents of children age birth to 5 years, while Ready or Not is for parents of children age 6 to 12 years.
Prenatal Education Classes involve six weekly sessions covering pregnancy, labor and birth. The classes include stages of labor, breathing and relaxation, information on alternate birth/caesarian delivery, breast feeding, early parenthood, and coping ideas for new parents. Also included in the prenatal classes is the viewing of a birth video and a visit to the maternity ward.
The Family Fun Spot offers parents a safe environment to bring their children while they enjoy a coffee break and social time. Family Fun Spot continues to work for parents, Kitimat City Mall Merchants and the Kitimat Child Development Centre.