Attention: this is very old content, revived mostly for historical interest. Many of the pages on this site are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc. found on these pages unless you couldn't find anything more recent.)
See here for more information.

Parental Relations

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Cancellation of Appointments

If it is necessary to cancel a scheduled visit, either at home or in a community preschool, please notify the Centre as soon as possible. You may leave a message on the answering machine if you call after hours. If it is necessary for a Centre staff member to cancel a scheduled appointment with you, you will receive a call from the Centre office as soon as it is known that an appointment cannot be kept. We appreciate hearing from community centres, if a child who was expecting a scheduled visit is absent - we can often intercept a staff member and prevent them from making an unnecessary trip.


Most programs at the Centre accept referrals from a variety of outside sources, including self-referrals. If you know what service you are seeking when you first approach the Centre, you will be directed to the appropriate program. In some instances, the office staff conducts intake on behalf of the programs so that your request for service is expedited. External referrals are received which may lead to additional recommendations within the services provided at the Centre. As you enter the Centre, you will become acquainted with the range of services available and will be encouraged to seek those services which will best meet the needs of you and your child(ren). Every effort is made to ensure that the internal referral process is clear and is fully explained to you.

Release (Consent) Forms

Release (Consent) Forms are required so that information gathered -- assessments, medical records, plans -- may be forwarded to other relevant agencies/professionals, and/or Collected from them. If you do not consent to us Releasing and/or Collecting Information, you must indicate this choice on this form. You may also choose to exclude certain professionals/agencies from receiving specific information. There is also a Publicity Release form, which, if consented to, permits us to use photographs, video footage, and other media and visual materials, in our public relations activities, notably the annual Telethon.

You will need to inform the Centre staff of any changes you wish to make to these Consents throughout the year.