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are still useful, but please bear in mind that they may be out of date. (Especially, do not try to use contact information, phone numbers, etc.
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General Information
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Child Abuse and NeglectIt is everyone's responsibility, by law, to report any suspected child abuse and/or neglect to the Ministry for Children and Families (MCF). MCF produces a brochure titled Keeping BC's Kids Safe, A Guide to Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse which is available at MCF offices. This brochure provides information regarding the symptoms of abuse and neglect and how to proceed in the event of suspected abuse.
Complaint ProcedureIf you have a complaint arising from services offered at the Centre, please take the following steps:
Discuss it with the person involved. It may be useful to offer your comments in writing. If you are unable to resolve it with the offending party, then Discuss it with the Director of the program. Please see the Organizational Chart to find the director. In the event that a solution is not reached after either conversation with the employee, or director, please direct your complaint to the Executive Director. Complaints that are not resolved internally will be forwarded to the Board of Directors of the Centre for review. Please always feel welcome to ask a friend or relative to accompany you for support.
Confidentiality and Freedom of InformationThe Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act of 1993 provides guidelines regarding the gathering, storage, and release of information. The law guarantees you the right to see your own information held by a public body and prevents others from seeing your information without your consent. A pamphlet titled 'Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy' is available at the Centre.Confidentiality and respect for privacy are universal rights and are principles which we uphold at the Centre. Detailed Agency and Ministry policies and procedures related to confidentiality are found in the Centre's policies and procedures manual, and are available for your review.
Emergency ProceduresPlease ensure that we have your current phone number, address, and emergency contacts on our Emergency Authorization Form. Staff at the Centre have been trained in First Aid and the facilities are equipped with First Aid kits, in the event of minor emergencies.
Guidance and Discipline PolicyChildren need both love and discipline to grow. Child guidance is a positive discipline -- a constructive, caring, firm approach. This approach enables children, with help, to resolve their own problems and attain self-control.Consistent with our approach to discipline and our relationships with children, please be advised that any form of hitting, abusive language, ridicule, and harsh, humiliating or frightening treatment is against our philosophy. These behaviors are not permitted.
Questions and ConcernsPlease feel free to direct any questions that you may have about the Centre's operation to our office staff. They will refer your question to the appropriate staff member if necessary.
Recycling EquipmentWe recycle! Toys and equipment that are in good condition and might be utilized by another child are gratefully received. Walkers, computer programs, switches, and feeder seats are examples of such items.
ResourcesA wide variety of resources, including toys, books, videos, etc., are available for loan to parents and community caregivers. Other resources that are available include information on the BC Children's Hospital, places to stay while visiting the hospital, transportation, etc.
Student and Parent InvolvementWe welcome the opportunity to serve as a resource for interning students from the Early Childhood Education Program. Student interns are regarded as Centre staff members during their practicum.The Centre is committed to working with the whole family. The relationship between staff and parent(s) is believed to be of vital importance to the child's development. As parents, you know your child best and your knowledge is needed. Parents are encouraged to visit the Centre as often as possible and to be involved with planning the program for their child. Parents are also encouraged to serve on any of the Advisory Committees associated with the Centre.